
Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Suppression of the Indian Religion and Culture in the New World Ess

Thesis StatementI believe that a profound effect on Indian religion practiced in the New World was caused by Columbus and the Age of Discovery. Historical march proves that, before there were Europeanson this continent, there were native peoples living in communionwith their environment and, very often, each other. Their unearthlypractices were interwoven with their occasional lives and religion helda prominent, significant place within their culture. The intrusionby Europeans into this peaceful creative activity had profound cause on theIndians, especially their religious practices. What had been apeaceful, harmonic lifestyle changed dramatically that fall of1492. The Europeans entered the native peoples world in search ofa trade route to the Indies. They felt it their concern to savethese poor creatures in the name of the King of Spain. It wasntso lots that Europe discovered Americas as that it incorporated itand made it a actuate of its own special, long-held and recen tlyratified, view of nature.(Sale p. 75) This arrogance would haveprofound effects on these natives to last throughout all time,including the present. Let us commence our search for truth by asking ourselves thisquestion Why atomic number 18 native peoples in the Americas referred to asIndians? The naming of these peoples is credited to Columbus. Itwas Columbus, who gave to the peaceable military of the islandsthe name, indios - because he considered their habitat to be theIndies, of course, but perhaps also because he thought of them asliving in God. (Sanders p. 95) The Spanish battle cry for God isDios. Columbu... ...bert F. Jr. The White Mans Indian. New York AlfredA. Knopf, Inc., 1978.Goodykoontz, Colin Brummitt. Home Missions On The AmericanFrontier. New York Octagon Books, 1971.Lunenfeld, Marvin. 1492 Discovery, Invasion, Encounter. LexingtonD.C. Heath and Compan y, 1991.Ronda, James P. and Axtell, James. Indian Missions. BloomingtonIndiana University Press, 1978.Royal, Robert. Columbus On Trial 1492 v. 1992. (Royal-01 ART andRoyal-02 HIS).Sale, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise. New York Plume, 1991.Sanders, Ronald. Lost Tribes And Promised Lands. New York harpistPerennial, 1992.Shirk, Willis. Encounter With The New World European PsycheConfronting Its Own Dragons. (Shirk-01 HIS).Usner, Daniel H. Jr., Indians, Settlers, & Slaves In A FrontierExchange Economy. Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press,1992.

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